marți, 3 august 2010

I want you to know that decision is only wishful thinking until you take that first irreversible step. You can tell yourself that you have already decided, that nothing now can stop you, but if that step backwards is so much safer than step forwards, what will hold you true to your path when the going gets tough? Sometimes, the right thing to do is to take that first irreversible step, the one after which you cannot go back. And now, for you, is one of those times.

Vreau sa stii ca deciziile sunt pline de dorinta pana cand tu faci primul pas ireversibil. Iti poti spune tie ca te-ai decis deja, ca nimic nu te poate opri, dar daca pasul inapoi iti confera o stare de siguranta cu mult mai mare decat pasul inainte, ce te va tine catre adevarata ta cale atunci cand lucrurile vor deveni dure? Cateodata, cel mai bun lucru de facut este sa faci acel pas ireversibil, cel de la care nu poti da inapoi. Si acum, pentru TINE, este unul dintre acele momente.

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